Overall Length 100 ft
Intermediate Length 98 ft
Width bethween Frames 33 in
Overall Frame Width 36 in
Weight 4580 lb
Standard Color ACSI Green
ACSI White
ACSI Dark Blue
ACSI Black
Motor 1/2 hp 230/460-3-60 TE motor
Conveying Speed Constant 60 fpm
Load Capacity at 3/4 hp 280 lb
Load Capacity at 1 hp 2040 lb
Capacity 113 lb
Operational Sequence 1) 1" diameter drive shaft is powered by motor reducer drive. Drive shaft is supported by bearings mounted to conveyor cross braces and coupled at bed joints with chain coupling.
2) Drive spools are located on drive shaft and beld in place with lock collars. When drive shaft turns, spools turn and by means of drive belt, transmits power to tread roller.
3) When package flow is interrupted for accumulation, drive spool will slip on drive shaft eliminating power to tread roller.
  • Low pressure accumulation
  • Clean room installation
  • Economical transportation conveyor
  • Assembly conveyor

  • Driving belts –3/16" diameter round urethane "O" rings from drive shaft to tread rollers.
    Bed – 7" x 1 1/2" x 12 gauge powder painted formed steelchannel frame with heavy duty cross braces and splice plates.
    Rollers – 1.9" diameter x 16 gauge galvanized steel tread rollers with 7/16" hex shaft and sealed, greased for life bearings, spaced on 3" centers.
    Floor supports – Adjustable 31 1/2" to 45 1/2" from floor to top of tread roller. One support supplied at each end of conveyor and at each bed joint.
    Drive – 2 foot module with motor and reducer. Drive module will be bolted to intermediate section.
    Drive shaft– 1" diameter steel shaft, driven by motor and reducer, runs full length of conveyor. Chain coupling supplied at bed joints to couple sections together.
    Drive spools – Delrin spools located on drive shaft supplies driving power to tread rollers.
    Drive shaft bearings– Sealed, prelubricated, self aligning, precision ball bearings on drive shaft.
    Speed reducer – C-face mounted, heavy dutwormgearreducer.
    Drive guard – Perforated metal guard full length of conveyor covers drive shaft and other moving drive components.
    Note: For Total load capacities 2600, 5400 and 7200 lb – Capacities based on 3" roller centers with all rollers driven. Rollers limited to 15 lb maximum live load per roller.less